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HumanCharger Classic: Light Therapy Device (black), 8 x 4 x 2 cm

To adjust the internal clock with long haul flights

HumanCharger Classic: Light Therapy Device (black), 8 x 4 x 2 cm
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  • Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility and helps combat jet lag.
  • 8176.jpg
  • Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility and helps combat jet lag.
Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility and helps combat jet lag.
  • Description HumanCharger black

    • Light plays an important role when it comes to prevention of jet lag symptoms: The Valkee 2 Human Charger is particularly good at preventing and treating jet lag symptoms with light therapy. Thanks to its light weight and small size, it fits easily in your luggage!

      The Valkee 2 light therapy unit has also been tested and approved for relieving the effects of jet lag. Experience showed that it helps even with the symptoms of jet lag when travelling to the eastern hemisphere, which is considered to have a more severe effect on the body. Business travelers and athletes have been testing the device for some time now. After several hours of long haul flights, they found themselves confronted with very special tasks upon their arrival. The feedback was very positive: they experienced less fatigue, ease of adaption and improved concentration. - Not to mention that the Valkee 2 is a special light therapy device in which the light information is passed via the ear canal to the brain. Thanks to the practical earplugs, the light therapy treatment is absolutely flexible. Altogether, it only takes 12 minutes.

      How does the Valkee 2 Human Charger unit help with jet lag?
      • It improves the duration and quality of your sleep
      • It helps the circadian rhythm to recover
      • It improves concentration
      • It reduces sleepiness during daytime

  • Application HumanCharger black

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      The term 'jet lag' refers to a number of symptoms that appear after crossing at least two time zones on a flight. The symptoms may include: sleeping problems, difficulty to concentrate, sleepiness during daytime, headaches, digestive problems as well as mood swings. Jet lag may last up to one week, depending on the number of time zones the person has travelled across and if the trip is to the east or to the west.

      Jet lag affects the internal clock of the body: if the body has to adapt to a completely different time zone upon arrival, the internal clock does is not synchronized with the external clock any more. The normal sleep-wake rhythm, also called the circadian rhythm, suddenly is not synchronized with the external day/night-signals. These mixed signals confuse the body and it doesn't know anymore when to eat or sleep.

      It is necessary the use of the Valkee device for specific, targeted light therapy in order to help reducing the jet lag symptoms. You should start the therapy before taking the flight. You may apply it even during the flight. It is important to continue the light therapy during the first days after arrival.

      For example, if you fly east:
      • Start using the Valkee light therapy unit in the morning, 2 or 3 days before your flight. Go to sleep approx. 30-60 minutes earlier each evening.
      • Upon arrival: try to avoid light exposure and use the Valkee device right in the morning after waking up.
      • From the second day onwards: If possible, use the Valkee device 4 times until the early afternoon;
      If you crossed 2 to 7 time zones: use the Valkee device 2 hours earlier each day.
      If you crossed 8 to 12 time zones: use the Valkee device 2 hours later each day.

      If you fly west:
      • Start using the Valkee device in the evenings 2 or 3 days before your flight. Go to sleep approx. 30-60 minutes later each evening
      • Upon arrival and on the following days (as long as it is necessary): use the Valkee light therapy unit from late afternoon till the evening 4 times a day with intervals of 2 hours (for example at 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. local time)

      For further help and more useful tips, we recommend to download the free Valkee Jet Lag App.

  • Package content HumanCharger black

    • Valkee2 Humancharger bright light headset
      USB cable
      Instructions for use

  • Technical specification HumanCharger black

    • Operating temperature: -10 °C - +35 °C
      Permissible air humidity : 30 % - 75 %
      Maximum luminous effect: 3,5 lumens
      Maximum permissible duration of treatment: 12 min.
      Battery life, with fully charged battery: 14 treatments on average
      CE certified in Medical Device Class IIa
      • Color: black
      • This product is 'Made in Finland'.
    • Weight: 54 g
    • Size: 8 x 4 x 2 cm
  • Instruction manuals, documents and downloads HumanCharger black

  • Published on 27.11.
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