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Professional Nail Bits

Make the Most of Artificial Nails With Professional Nail Bits
Having the perfect nails can be a big component of a special occasion, or it can also be part of your fashion style and so you want to be able to go somewhere that is able to provide you with the artificial nails that are perfect for what you want. In order to do this a nail technician will need the right tools in order to shape and finish the artificial nails. Professional Nail Bits provide a huge range of nail bits to allow a technician to finish your nails to perfection.

Professional Nail Bits supply bits that are made out of silver carbide, which are not only effective, but they also look highly professional when they are being worked with. When work is being carried out over the surface of the nail barrel bits are the bits of choice. These bits are 6mm in length and allow large areas to be worked on easily and quickly. There are five different levels of coarseness available so that the finished effect can be tailored to the task.

When shaping and filing a nail edge something a little more refined than the barrel bit is required. The cone bit comes in four levels of coarseness and they are designed to shape and refine the shape of the nail.

For even finer work, when cleaning underneath the nails, there are Silver Carbide Under Nail Cleaner bits. These bits again have a number of coarseness levels that allow both coarse and fine cleaning to take place. Silver carbide is also an easy material to clean so it makes great nail bits.

Professional Nail Bits also make diamond nail bits for use by nail salons. The main difference between the materials is that silver carbide uses a cutting action and diamond uses a grinding action to achieve the desired effects.


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Bits for electrical nail files

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