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Hukka Design

Hukka Design manufactures and sells products made of soapstone for the use in wellness, sauna, and kitchen area or as gifts. Soapstone is a stone that can be easily worked. It was formed about 2.3 billion years ago. There are significant deposits of it in Finland. There, in Tuupovaara, in the north-eastern part of Finland, is also the Hukka Design factory located.

Hukka is dealing with soapstone products for more than 26 years. During this time, Hukka has developed with innovative, high-quality products and reliability to a leading global manufacturer of small-sized soapstone objects.
Today, Hukka Design is a modern manufacturing and design company that uses cutting-edge technology. Since small objects made of soapstone require a particular specialization, there have been developed to some extent also unique technological methods. Hukka Design produces around 250,000 products every year.

The company history goes back to the salesman Jokke Ahti, who was convinced of the possibilities of this magical stone. Meanwhile, with the Hukka products people can acquire a unique piece of Finnish nature all around the world. Each model is carefully designed and manufactured to bring aesthetic and joy into people's lives. Hukka Soapstone is a purely natural material, therefore each piece is unique. With this ancient, natural stone you are guaranteed to keep a pure natural product in hand that is free of chemicals.

Nearly all of the company's employees have more than 20 years of experience in their field. The ideas and inspirations for the products are usually developed while walking through the woods and to the many lakes the Finnish nature has to offer. The designers do not rely on big cities with traffic, lights and noise for their creative ideas.


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