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Over the last 20 years, the Dutch company Duux has dedicated itself to developing and manufacturing devices for the improvement of indoor air quality. One should not underestimate the importance a healthy and salubrious living environment has for the body, especially if we spend so much time indoors as part of our everyday life or career. Therefore, Duux devotes its complete philosophy to this aspect and constantly strives after innovation and improvement. This isn't just reflected in the technical quality of the air cleaners, but also in their peculiar design. The devices are user-friendly, yet also perfectly integrate with any modern living space or work environment.

The products are designed and developed in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Eindhoven is one of Europe's technological centers and was recently awarded the title of 'smartest region in the world'. State-of-the-art test equipment and many years of experience in the manufacture of air purification equipment ensure unmatched quality. The design of the products also incorporates the logic and beauty of nature in such a way, that they are characterized by proven technologies, material science and organic shapes. Thus, for example, the shape of the Solair air purifier can be associated with that of a sunflower.


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Air humidifiers and cleaners

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