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The development of the anti-snoring device Megavent and ReduZnore as well as the iPhone SnoreMonitor application started with a man who himself suffered because of snoring. Leif Soderberg confesses to have been a snorer. A 'frequent snorer', a 'loud snorer' - who knows, at least someone who has been snoring with a nasal dilator, someone who has been snoring with a mouth piece, and found the solution only in the combination. Now he no longer snores, but is looking back on 11 years, in which he succeeded to help many people in Sweden through the development and sale of truly effective anti-snoring devices. During his tireless search for possible solutions he came up with a new concept, which not only solved his problem, but helped around 80% of those affected to finally stop snoring.

For ten years Soderberg stood in contact with dentists and ENT doctors and was amazed that there were no clinical studies that actually dealt with the entire problem. It was known that snoring noises start in narrowed air passages and that an extension of the air duct in the nose helps 50-55% of those affected, and an expansion in the mouth helps about 70%. Nevertheless, a combination of both approaches was hardly available by any provider. Probably because many manufacturers were either focused only on one or the other solution.

So it was that Soderberg simply started to develop two new anti-snoring devices on his own. Megavent and ReduZnore: a unique new nasal dilator and - with the participation of 10 Swedish dentists who specialize in snoring and sleep apnea - the comfortable Reduznore. His company Adactive also drafted the world's first snore / sleep lab for iPhone. With this application you can easily check how well the devices work. The application SnoreMonitor also works with iPod Touch or iPad.
With all this Adactive offers thanks to the initiatives of Leif Soderberg finally a complete solution for everybody who no longer wants to snore.

Sort out Snoring with Adactive AB Products
Curing, or at least reducing, snoring can be a bit of a hit and miss affair. However there is now a suite of snoring reduction tools from Adactive AB that can help you to scientifically assess and address your snoring.

If you are unaware how bad your snoring is then you can start by monitoring it using the SnoreMonitor PRO App that can be downloaded for Apple devices. The app is essentially a SleepLab that will record not only the amount of noise that you make when you sleep, that allows you to easily see when you were snoring, but it also monitors your chest movements and sleeping position as well.

In conjunction with this software, Adactive AB also offers physical snoring reduction equipment. There are two pieces of equipment available, MegaVent and ReduZnore. The MegaVent is a nasal dilator that you insert into the nasal passage in order to increase the amount of air that can pass through it. The MegaVent is made from very soft plastic and the shape means that it is comfortable to wear but it also won't fall out of your nose at night.

The ReduZnore is a mouthpiece that is used to bring your lower jaw forwards in order to enlarge the airway at the back of the throat and therefore also reduce the amount of vibration of the soft tissues there. There are similar pieces of equipment that are prescribed by doctors, but the ReduZnore is available to anyone and is fitted by heating the mouthpiece and then biting into it. The ReduZnore has thinner walls than most of its competitors and so is more comfortable.

Taken as a set, SnoreMonitor PRO, MegaVent and ReduZnore offer a complete solution for reducing and stopping even severe snoring.


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