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How to protect yourself from the Swine flu?

In order to protect your body from flu viruses, it is important to focus on hygiene. There are very simple, effective means to do so. A second step includes a special protection of the mucous membranes.
What is the swine flu?
Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by an flu virus type A. The swine flu epidemics are normal among these animals. In general, people do not get the disease, but sometimes the disease is transmitted to people, so the population gets infected as well. In most cases, human cases of swine flu occur in those who work in contact with these animals, but it is likely that the virus can spread from one human to another as well.

What are the symptoms of the swine flu?
The symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to the flu symptoms and usually include fever, cough, and sensation of dry throat, muscle aches, headache, chills and a strong fatigue. Some people have also reported diarrhea and vomiting as symptoms associated with the swine flu. In the past, serious illnesses like pneumonia and respiratory failure as well as death, have also been linked to contamination by the virus of swine flu in humans. As opposed to the seasonal flu, swine flu can cause a worsening of symptoms characteristic of chronic diseases that infected humans may suffer.

What is the severity of the disease in humans?
As with the seasonal flu, swine flu in humans may occur with varying degrees of severity, from mild to some severe forms. Between 2005 and January 2009, we reported 12 cases of swine flu in humans in the United States, none fatal case. However, infections of swine flu can have serious consequences. In September 1988, a pregnant woman aged 32 years, in very good health before the infection was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia after getting infected with the virus of the swine flu and she died 8 days later. In 1976, an outbreak of swine flu broke out in the state New Jersey, City of Fort Dix, with very serious consequences: there were over 200 cases of illness with symptoms including a serious case was fatal.

How is the disease transmitted?
The swine flu can be transmitted in two ways. Firstly, when in contact with infected pigs or with objects in the environment contaminated with the virus. Secondly, when in contact with a person infected with the virus of the swine flu. Cases of contamination from human to human have been documented and it is believed that the mechanism is the same as for seasonal flu. Currently, we consider that the flu virus spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing.

The number of new cases of flu increases rapidly every day worldwide. The experts explain what the most appropriate methods of protection are.

The virus is only a few tens of nanometers in diameter and was given the name of A1/H1N1 virus, the new flu that threatens to trigger a pandemic. There are countries where the number of patients who are affected by the new flu has exceeded 300. Until the emergence of an effective vaccine against the new flu virus, the only method of protection is the isolation or wearing masks.

The A1/H1N1, like other flu viruses, spread in 99% of the cases by air, by tiny droplets of mucus expelled into the environment by patients who speak, cough or sneeze. By inhaling these contaminated droplets, the disease spreads. There are two types of drops: those with a diameter greater than 5 microns (droplets Pfluggasse) and those with a diameter less than that amount - they can reach a diameter of 0.5 microns. The latter (aerosols) are more dangerous because they persist in the air longer.

Unlike the drops that fall and disappear in minutes, aerosols can remain for days in the air of the environment, even weeks after their expulsion by a patient. Two years ago, a microbiologist in Toronto published a study showing that, while the aerosol concentration of virus particles was from 100 to 1,000 times smaller than the droplets Pfluggasse, the symptoms they cause are more severe.

Therefore, aerosols represent the highest risk of contamination. The only factors that reduce the life of the viruses carried by aerosols are ultraviolet radiation, dehydration (drying or desiccation) and their oxidation. Several studies have also shown that flu viruses can survive and can retain the power to contaminate up to 24 hours. In conclusion, aerosols, with a lower viral load, can infest many more people with a more serious disease.

Safe methods

Until the vaccine for this flu is created, the only effective method of protection against it is to wear a mask. There are two types: the surgical masks, which are the least expensive and can stop the expulsion of particles of mucus and saliva in the environment. These masks are designed especially for those who are already sick, but they do not filter the air and cannot retain aerosols - the most dangerous agents for the spread of viral particles.

Respirators (FFP2) are designed specifically for those who are sick and they filter the air, chemical and biological particles. These disposable masks are more expensive and they offer protection for up to eight hours, although the experts recommend changing them whenever they are removed for eating and drinking. In addition, they are difficult to tolerate for very long time because they make breathing difficult.

The masks against flu

Surgical mask. It has an efficiency of between 94% and 98% only for droplets Pfluggasse they prevent spread outside the mask. This disposable mask provides protection for about eight hours or until it is damp. It is indicated for those who are already sick to prevent the spread of the disease.

Respirator. It has an efficiency of about 94% against aerosols with a diameter greater than 0.2 microns. The respirator mask provides protection for about eight hours, but experts recommend changing it after four hours or every time when it is removed from the face. It is intended to protect those who are healthy but have to be in contact with sick people.
Published on 17.09. by
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