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Wellnessproducts > Light therapy

What properties does the light that is emitted by the Valkee2 have?

When it comes to day light therapy, the first question is usually whether the light therapy device is capable of emitting a luminous intensity of up to 10,000 Lux. This is the value at which light therapy starts to work. As a comparison: The strength of the sunlight on a summer day in the open air is approximately 50 000 – 100 000 lux. A Lux, however, is the luminous intensity produced by a candle at a distance of about 1 meter. Light also has other properties that are interesting to know.
When asking about the Valkee2's light properties, the first thing that should be mentioned is the light intensity, which is 10,000 Lux per ear plug (even more depending on the distance). Due to this high output, you should never look directly into the light-emitting ear plugs when the device is switched on. The peak wavelength is 450 nm. The peak wavelength states the maximum of the radiation function, where 'nm' means nanometer. The values of the light visible to the human eye are between 380 and 780 nm. In addition, the light that is used is a full spectrum light. A full spectrum light is a light with well-balanced spectrum, 90% or more of which correspond with the spectrum of sunlight. Full spectrum lighting is one of the best artificial lights.

Does the Valkee2 use different light than the previous model?

The Valkee models all offer the same effect with regards to day light therapy for seasonal affective disorder or other light-induced defects. The same type of LED is used in all the devices. The main differences between the different versions of the device especially lie in the use and modification of the treatment settings, as well as in the design and the material used.

With regards to the characteristics of the light emitted, the following applies to all previous models:
• UV-free, blue-enriched light
• Average luminous intensity: >10,000 Lux at a distance of 1 cm from the surface of the light carrier
• 3.5 Lumens (standard values)
• Peak wavelength: 450 nm
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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