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How does magnetic therapy work?

Magnetic therapy has a long tradition in places, from China to Egypt. Our ancient ancestors knew of the impact of magnetic fields on the body. What may sound a bit mysterious, since it is a not very tangible form of therapy, can nevertheless be illustrated.

The magnetism of the earth emanates magnetic fields that are beneficial for life on earth, including human organisms. Targeted magnetic fields can easily and without interference or penetration of the skin have a positive influence on our cells. That is probably one reason why magnetic therapy has recently developed into a popular treatment method for home use.

Magnetic mats can be used for treating the whole body, or devices of the size of a wristwatch for can be used for treating specific areas of the body. In all devices the basic mode of operation is the same: magnetic fields affect the metabolism in the cells, they stimulate the circulation and thus increase the oxygen supply of the cells. Thanks to this effect, they can even promote the healing of diseased cells and reduce transmission of pain through the nerves. In addition, it has been observed that magnetic fields have an effect on the flow of salt solutions, which includes the sodium-containing blood plasma. Thus, magnetic therapy can overall not only relieve pain but also stimulate blood circulation and be specifically helpful for circulatory disorders in the outermost limbs.

Pulsed magnetic therapy or magnetic therapy

Both titles are used for the same procedure. The aim of magnetic field therapy in general is, to make the magnetic fields of the body vibrate. Thus, they stimulate the natural resonance frequencies of the cells, which in turn stimulate their natural repair and regeneration activity. At the same time, it promotes better blood circulation and metabolism in the cells.

Our body represents a complex interaction of a huge number of individual components. If an organ or body part is affected, it has a rapid influence on the whole body. In this sense, it is the health of each individual cell that counts. The magnetic field therapy takes this into account and provides a gentle, natural form of treatment for the smallest element in order to achieve an overall improvement of constitution and health.

For this reason, magnetic therapy can be used for a variety of medical conditions and symptoms. For example, we can trace back a whole group of diseases to a lack of blood flow or oxygen supply, such as Migraine headaches, circulation problems in the hands or feet or venous diseases and blood pressure problems. Other applications include immune deficiency diseases, rheumatism, osteoporosis, as well as concentration problems, fatigue and allergies.

What kind of devices are there to use? There are different devices for magnetic field therapy, starting with magnetic mats up to magnetic probes. In any case, it is important to ensure a direct contact with the skin. This can be done by using a bandage or by applying the probe or the magnetic field device directly. In addition to pulsed magnetic therapy, you can also use static magnetic fields (e.g. in combination with a heating pad), since they also have a positive effect.

However, if you have an implant, pacemaker, if you suffer from epilepsy, or if you are pregnant you should not use magnetic field therapy without consulting with your doctor first.

Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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