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Labor and birth pain

Birth is a natural process and one of the wonders of life, every time. Most expectant mothers see it as a kind of milestone in their lives. Especially with the best medical facilities and care, child birth is a foreseeable process, the risks of which are within the scope of the given treatment options and which usually takes place without complications.
© Maksim Šmeljov - Fotolia.com
© Maksim Šmeljov - Fotolia.com
Even in the first stages of pregnancy, thoughts about the actual birth set in, and with it the sense of joy, as well as recurring fears about the 'big day'. Sometimes, the preceding months of waiting are exactly that: waiting. Many days of looking forward to the upcoming big day are characterized by anticipation, impatience and anxiety. Finally, many women confirm that labor and birth pains are among the worst imaginable pains. Despite several months of preparation time, advice, pregnancy exercises and extensive reading on the subject of birth, the pain, which is to be expected at time of the birth, remains a completely unknown factor. For one, this is due to the fact that each person perceives pain differently. Also, each birth is different. For some women, labor is relatively brief, while others may spend many hours in labor. The expectant mother's hormone release and her ability to relax also play an important role. Fear leads to stress and tension of the muscles, which counteracts the actual birth process. Birth pain is in and of itself are something special, not just because it is pain, which is expected and which serves a positive purpose, but also because of the knowledge that it will only last for a foreseeable time and completely disappear in most women, as soon as they hold the newborn in their arms.

For most women, the first birth is the most difficult, while subsequent births reportedly cause less severe pain. In any case, good birth preparation and knowledge of the course of and processes during birth are important. A consultation regarding which analgesic drugs or methods will be used should be take place in advance.

Additional, external factors regarding the course of the birth may also be decided upon. For example: There are various birth positions, or even the possibility of water birth or birth outside of the delivery room, i.e. a home birth in your own four walls. Many women consider the familiar environment to be relaxing. However, complications may occur during childbirth, which would then require certain measures such as a caesarean section. You never know: The whole process may also be easier than you think.

Even knowledge of how labor pain is caused can help. The cervical tissue in the cervix is responsible. There, the majority of pain arises after the amniotic sac breaks, because this area is densely equipped with nerves that respond to pain stimuli. The so-called Braxton Hicks contractions may already occur during pregnancy itself. The abdomen becomes firmer, which causes some people no pain at all. Before birth, false labor sets in as a slow or even strong pulling. This causes the baby's body to be pressed into the pelvis. Some women may not feel this false labor at all, or only in the presence of external stimuli or physical effort. The dilation contractions are the actual labor pains. Initially, they take 30-60 seconds with a basal rhythm of about 10 minutes. Some women find them to be almost paralyzing, making it difficult to focus on proper breathing. In later stages, contractions occur two to three times in ten minutes. Meanwhile, the uterine wall retracts upward over the discharge opening. Labor, also referred to as contractions, results in an opening and expansion of the cervix and a shortening of the uterine orifice. The characteristics of contractions change over the course of the birth. Until a first body part of the child shows, usually the head, the contractions become stronger and more frequent. Towards the end of the birth, during the bearing-down pains, contractions may occur 6-7 times in 15 minutes. These contractions are associated with particularly strong pain in the entire abdomen and pelvis. The afterpains, which last for about 10-30 minutes, cause the placenta to be expelled. Yet, some women feel the afterpains for days after the birth.

Labor and birth pain can cause a natural stress response by the body with muscle tension and agitation. They add literally add mental stress to the already existing pregnancy-related back pain.


There are different ways of alleviating pain that are not related to drugs. While they may sound simple, they can significantly help in relieving the intense pain. These include: back massage, walking around, lying in the bath tub or Jacuzzi, and even the use of certain breathing techniques. Just as each person's perception of pain is different, each individual woman responds to the most diverse procedures. Another non-drug minimal side-effects method is TENS - transmitting gentle electrical stimulation through the skin by means of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Only a small, battery-powered device and electrodes that can be attached to the skin are needed. The device will send gentle electrical impulses that are perceived as a kind of tingling. These mask the body's pain signals with electrical stimuli similar to those of the body. It also encourages the release of so-called 'happiness hormones', the body's own analgesic substances, such as endorphins. The effect is similar to that of acupuncture. The device is easy to use and does not require a deep knowledge of electric stimulation therapy. The electric current is so minimal that it is completely safe. The strength and frequency of the pulses is individually adjustable, which has the advantage that the affected person can select the most pleasant setting - after all, only they can feel the intensity of their pain. It is best to start with a fairly low level of intensity and then increase it. The treatment should always be considered pleasant. TENS can even be used at the very beginning of labor and during labor. It is best to discuss a TENS treatment with the responsible medical staff in advance, which will lead to a clarification of the exact application.
Published on 17.09. by
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