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Reduznore Anti Snore Device

New from Sweden: Easy adjustable mandibular

Reduznore Anti Snore Device
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  • ReduZnore Anti Snoring Mouthpiece - recommended by ENT doctors in Sweden
  • The ReduZnore mouthpiece can be individually adapted.
  • ReduZnore Anti Snoring Mouthpiece - recommended by ENT doctors in Sweden
    The ReduZnore mouthpiece can be individually adapted.
ReduZnore Anti Snoring Mouthpiece - recommended by ENT doctors in Sweden The ReduZnore mouthpiece can be individually adapted.
  • Description ReduZnore

    • The Reduznore anti snoring device is very comfortable due to the enforced posterior part that lowers the pressure on anterior teeth. Remarkably easy to fit.

      Thinner walls than most competitors on the market. And very carefully designed. For your result and comfort.

      We have seen many bad copies but our new mouthpiece is protected and made with a plastic material that is moldable at 75 degrees Celcius. Less heat when biting impressions is more comfortable and you will furthermore be able to shape it during longer time.

      This material has a memory so you can reshape several times. You will notice how easy it is to fit and make really good impressions. And that is very important. Avoid cheap copies. Quality is not much more expensive.

      Should not be used with dentures.
  • Application ReduZnore

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      The main advantages of Reduznore compared to competition:
      •Thinner walls for more comfort.
      •Prolonged endings reduces pressure on frontal teeth.
      •Partly thicker goods makes it easier to get really good impressions.
      •Designed to be out of reach for the tongue even if it is prolonged.
  • Package content ReduZnore

    • 1x Reduznore
  • Technical specification ReduZnore

    • ReduZnore is CE-registered at the Swedish Medical Products Agency.
      Material: FDA approved E.V.A Thermoplast.
      Manufactured in Sweden.
      • Color: transparent
    • Weight: 50 g
    • Size: 7 x 6 cm
    • Alternative names: Redusnore, Redu znore, Redu snore, Redu-znore
  • Customer feedback and frequently asked questions ReduZnore

    • Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Frauenfeld, Kreuzlingen, Lausanne, Vevey
      How long does the Reduznore mouthpiece last?
      The Reduznore mouthpiece lasts at least one year.

      What is Snoring?

      Snoring is defined as a coarse sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissue in the mouth, nose & throat (upper airway). It is caused by turbulence inside the airway during inspiration. The turbulence is caused by a partial blockage that may be located anywhere from the tip of the nose to the vocal chords. The restriction may occur only during sleep, or it may persist all the time and be worse when we are asleep. This is because our muscle tone is reduced during sleep and there may be insufficient muscle tone to prevent the airway tissue vibrating. During waking hours muscle tone keeps the airway in good shape; that's why we don't snore when awake. Snoring can originate from the nose, oropharynx or the base of the tongue.
    Published on 09.11.
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