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Innosol/Innolux Candeo - pendant bright light in red

10.000 lux at 23 cm distance, 55 Watt, ø 38.8 cm, h 18 cm

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  • The fact that it can be easily switched from warm light to pure white light makes the Innosol Candeo lamp unique.
  • The Innosol Candeo light therapy lamp emits 10000 lux at a distance of 23 cm
  • The Innosol Candeo offers flicker-free light
  • Innosol Candeo with 55 watts
  • Beautiful Innosol Candeo hanging therapy light
  • The fact that it can be easily switched from warm light to pure white light makes the Innosol Candeo lamp unique.
    The Innosol Candeo light therapy lamp emits 10000 lux at a distance of 23 cm
    The Innosol Candeo offers flicker-free light
    Innosol Candeo with 55 watts
    Beautiful Innosol Candeo hanging therapy light
The fact that it can be easily switched from warm light to pure white light makes the Innosol Candeo lamp unique.The Innosol Candeo light therapy lamp emits 10000 lux at a distance of 23 cmThe Innosol Candeo offers flicker-free lightInnosol Candeo with 55 wattsBeautiful Innosol Candeo hanging therapy light
  • Description Innolux Candeo red

    • Many people suffer from symptoms of tiredness in winter due to the lack of sunlight.

      Katriina Nuutinen created the idea behind Candeo for a Master of Art diploma project. Her goal was to design an aesthetically pendant bright light that would be suitable in many spaces, and which might easily be adjusted into mood lighting.
      With the toggle switch on top of the Innosol Candeo lamp it is transformed from a bright light into a design lamp providing a warm light with atmosphere. At its full power Candeo is a bright light device as well as an efficient general and reading light. A height adjustment on the black textile electric cord adds versatility to the use of the Candeo lamps.

      The innovative Candeo is the first pendant bright light device on the market. The uniqueness of Candeo is emphasized by the fact that the colour temperature is easy to change from warm white to pure white.

      The sun as the source of life

      Sunlight and warmth are the basic conditions of life. They make plants flourish and provide us all with the necessary energy and vitality. Man is part of nature and the biological properties of our body have developed accordingly. In summer, the intensity of light is at its maximum because days are significantly longer and brighter than in late autumn and mid winter.

      The unit of light intensity is called 'lux'. One lux corressponds to light intensity produced by one candle at a distance of one metre. On a summer day, sunlight intensity outdoors is approximately 50,000 - 100,000 lux.

      When the amount of daylight decreases

      Beautiful summer days will inevitably turn into autumn. At its best, early autumn can still be a pleasant time. We hope that the bright summer days will help us get through the dark winter months.

      The amount of light under different conditions are as follows:

      - Bright sunshine 100 000 lx
      - Bright light therapy 2 500 lx
      - Well illuminated offi ce 400 lx
      - General illumination in homes 50 lx

      In autumn and winter, we spend a great deal of time indoors. Normally, light intensity indoors is approximately 50 ' 100 lux, which is one thousandth part of the amount of natural light on a summer day.

      What symptoms does lack of light cause?

      In autumn and winter, many people feel tired and less energetic. Lack of light may also cause sleep disorders. Some people's appetite may increase leading to weight gain. Some may even experience depression. These symptoms are due to our body's normal tendency to adapt to changing circumstances: shorter days and smaller amount of daylight. This phenomenon is called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or Winter Depression. SUB SAD or the Winter Blues is a milder form of SAD affecting a considerably larger number of people.

      With bright light therapy, you feel energetic all year round

      Today, efficiency is expected from us throughout the year. We cannot sink in a 'winter torpor' as our ancestors did. We must find effective means to keep up our positive spirits and activity. For this, we have bright light therapy which helps an increasing number of people overcome SAD.

      User experiences show that regular bright light therapy helps you maintain your work efficiency. Office workers and their employers in particular have learned to know the benefits of bright light therapy.

      Shift workers have found bright light therapy to be an excellent means to balance their irregular daily rhythm. Likewise, correctly timed bright light therapy speeds up your recovery from jet lag considerably.

      The appliance is used to counteract the following symptoms of winter
      • Fatigue
      • Mood swings
      • Listlessness
      • Sleepiness
      • Lack of concentration
      • Lack of appetite
  • Application Innolux Candeo red

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      You can use the phototherapy unit as often as you like. However, the treatment is most effective if you use it on at least five successive days.

      •Therapy distance:
      45 cm (2,500 lx)
      23 cm (10 000lx)
      Light temperature: 3000 K

      •For use in case of light deprivation
      •Simulation of sunlight
      •Exceptionally bright and even illumination
      •Flicker-free starting - immediately pleasant light without stroboscopic effects
      •Flicker-free and UV-free

      Bright light affects through the eyes

      The light first proceeds to the retina and from there along the optic nerves further to the light sensitive area in the brain (suprachiasmatic cellkernel) whichplays an important part in regulating the body clock function.

      The sleep hormone melatonin, secreted by the pineal gland, is of great significance to the amount of sleep needed and the state of mental agility. Bright light reduces the secretion of melatonin.

      Bright light therapy is safe and easy

      Bright light therapy is a pleasant way to take care of oneself. All you need is an Innosol bright light device that effectively compensates the lack of natural daylight.

      The preferred daily exposure time is about 0.5'2; hours. The sessions are most effective in the morning. Light therapy in the evening may cause some users diffi culty in going to sleep.

      Depending on the device type, the maximum distance between your face and the device varies between 45 and 105 centimetres. The closer you are to the device the more effective and shorter is a single session. You don't have to look straight at the source of light, but you should keep it within your visual field throughout the session. Thus, light therapy does not take your valuable time as you can read, have breakfast or watch television at the same time.

      Bright light therapy and healthy habits

      Regular exercise and a balanced diet are an essential part of your wellbeing. Scientific studies show that the effects of bright light therapy are most effective when combined with simultaneours physical exercise. For example, you can place the Innosol bright light device in the vicinity of your training equipment, e.g. an exercise cycle.

      Innosol bright light device is effective, safe and handy

      Bright light therapy requires a minimum light intensity of 2,500 lux. Not just any lamp that produces bright and intensive light, such as a halogen lamp, is suitable for bright light therapy. The Innosol bright light devices meet all the requirements set on high quality therapy. The light does not flicker and it is evenly distributed. The opaque shade that covers the entire light surface filters UV emissions. A suffi- ciently long distance from the device guarantees you a pleasant therapy session. The surface luminosity of the Innosol bright light devices is as low as possible to minimise dazzling.

      The Innosol bright light devices are of extremely high quality. They have been developed and tested in Finland where both seasonal changes and variations in the amount of daylight are manifest and intense. Finland is one of the world's leading countries in bright light research. These studies have been the basis for the development of Innosol bright light

      Although lack of daylight is most typical of Northern Europe, the phenomenon is also familiar in other parts of the world. In Central Europe, autumns and winters are also long and daylight is scarce. Innosol bright light devices have in Finland thousands of satisfied users, and they are becoming increasingly popular in other European countries.
      All Innosol/Innolux devices have UV-filters in shades that filter all possible UV-radiation. The opaque shade that covers the entire light surface filters UV emissions.
  • Package content Innolux Candeo red

    • 1x Innosol/Innolux Candeo bright light lamp
  • Technical specification Innolux Candeo red

    • •Cable length: 2.5 m
      •Colour: red / black cord
      •Light source wattage 55W T5C
      •Lampholder 2G13
      •Light temperature 3000 K
      •CRI: >80
      •Therapy distance:
      45 cm (2,500 lx)
      23 cm (10 000lx)
      •MiGeL number:
      • Color: red
      • This product is 'Made in Finland'.
    • Weight: 2.7 kg
    • Size: 39 x 18 cm
  • Instruction manuals, documents and downloads Innolux Candeo red

  • Published on 08.12.
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