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Wellnessproducts > Pain relief, TENS and Electro Acupuncture > TENS and Electro Acupuncture

Professional package: Analogic device Promed TENS 1000s (9 Volt) + 4 extra Carbon electrodes + Contact Gel

Small but high-performance TENS device

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2 years

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  • The Promed TENS 1000s is recommended by most doctors: small, easy to use, and yet powerful.
  • Pain management. Powerful device with 9 volts: Promed TENS 1000 s.
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation unit Promed TENS 1000s
  • Promed TENS 1000s - here with electrodes and electrode gel
  • The Promed TENS 1000s is recommended by most doctors: small, easy to use, and yet powerful.
    Pain management. Powerful device with 9 volts: Promed TENS 1000 s.
    Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation unit Promed TENS 1000s
    Promed TENS 1000s - here with electrodes and electrode gel
The Promed TENS 1000s is recommended by most doctors: small, easy to use, and yet powerful.Pain management. Powerful device with 9 volts: Promed TENS 1000 s.Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation unit Promed TENS 1000s
Promed TENS 1000s - here with electrodes and electrode gel
  • Description Promed 1000s & electrodes & contact gel

    • Promed TENS 1000s (9 Volt): A gentle stimulating current has already been used for decades for the specific pain treatment. The transmission of pain through the nerves is masked, that is to say blocked thanks to a low and precise electric frequency. This therapy adapts well for example to chronic pain and offers an efficient alternative to pain relief with medicines. This small but high-performance TENS device includes four fabric self-adhesive electrodes, that can be put in the centre of the pain. There is a choice between three operating modes.

      Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation unit (TENS)

      Your tens 1000 s is a battery-powered device with two adjustable
      output channels. The TENS unit generates electrical impulses. You can use the unit's controls to set and vary the amplitude, duration and modulation of these impulses. The TENS unit's controls are very straightforward to use, while the safety cover stops your settings being modified unintentionally.

      What is pain?
      Pain is the body's own early warning system. Feeling pain is important, as it indicates an abnormal condition within the body
      and serves as a warning to us before any further damage or injury
      occurs. However, long-term, persistent pains - often known
      as chronic pain - serve no obvious useful purpose once a diagnosis
      has been made. TENS was developed to soothe or eliminate certain types of chronic and acute pain.
      2 channels = 4 electrodes
  • Application Promed 1000s & electrodes & contact gel

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      How does TENS work?
      TENS is a non-invasive and drug-free method of treating pain. The TENS unit transmits soothing electrical pulses through the skin that stimulate the nerve (or nerves) in the area being treated. In most cases, this stimulation greatly reduces or even completely eliminates the sensation of pain, as it blocks the original pain signals to the brain.

      It is also reported that TENS stimulation promotes the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, leading to a further reduction in pain.

      The benefits of TENS devices in pain management have been clinically proven in the case of many patients. To get the most out of your TENS unit, read these instructions carefully and follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment.
  • Package content Promed 1000s & electrodes & contact gel

    • 1x Promed TENS 1000s
      1x Case
      4x Electrode 40x40 mm
      4x Carbon electrodes (359070)
      and matching cables
      1x Battery 9 Volt
      1x User Manual
      1x TENS Book (in German)
      1x Contact Gel
  • Technical specification Promed 1000s & electrodes & contact gel

    • 2 Channels
      3 Programs
      9 Volt
      •MiGeL number: L
      • Color: silver
    • Weight: 115 g
    • Size: 10 x 7 x 2 cm
  • Instruction manuals, documents and downloads Promed 1000s & electrodes & contact gel

  • Published on 05.05.
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