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Duracell is an American brand for batteries that has been established on the market for many decades. The origins date back to the 1920s. The creation of mercury batteries in button size started in those early years of production. Today, the range of Duracell batteries include alkaline manganese batteries in various sizes (AAA, AA, C , D and 9V) , less frequently used AAAA sizes, various button batteries to use in watches or hearing aids, as well as rechargeable NiMH batteries and of course, the relevant chargers.

Duracell commits to continuous improvement of the product performance, which shows, for example, in the Duralock Power Preserve technology. Due to chemical reactions, most batteries loose performance with time, even if they are not used. Therefore, many Duracell batteries use a particular power conservation system. Based on a type of sealing to protect the battery power, this system guarantees that the battery remains loaded for a certain time, even when only stored (see expiry date on the Duracell batteries). Batteries with this system can be identified by the Duralock ring on the packaging.


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