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Walter's Pflegehand

The development of a line of useful products that enable individuals to maintain and care for their bodies was the main goal of Helmut Walter, the developer of Walter's Pfegehand. Personal hygiene is an important part of everyone's daily routine, but it isn't easy for everyone - especially for those with limited ranges of motion.
For those who have pain when bending over, even the cleaning of the feet can be difficult. There's no need to suffer while washing, brushing, or applying lotion to your body. These are simple tasks and you don't need to become dependent on others to get them done. With the Hand Care ® system, developed in 1999, you can use a series of beautiful and anatomically shaped wooden handles to reach just about every part of your body.
The concept of Walter's Hand Care® system is to make reaching all parts of the body into an easy task. The components of the system are interchangeable, fastening easily with strong Velcro. Users can wash their backs, file their nails, scrub corns on the feet, or even dry between their toes. No personal hygiene tasks should ever be out of reach.


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