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Promed Shoes

The Promed organization is well known throughout Europe for its high-quality nail and skin care products. What many people don't realize is that Promed is also actively involved in the development of a line of orthopedic shoes designed to make sure the rest of your body is receiving the support it needs as well.
As specialty markets are uncovered, Promed makes it a goal to step up to the plate and gets to work. Today's line of specialty shoe products includes:
• Slippers
• Slide-on shoes
• Children's shoes
• The PegAssist insole system
• Theramed anatomical sandals
• Promed Sanisoft shoes with a sponge lining

Promed shoes are designed to help with rehabilitation after injury, to support individuals anatomically, and to simply make a little more comfortable. The folks at Promed are proud of the advances they've made in the field of footwear,
and will continue to develop new special brands in the upcoming years.

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Schoes and socks

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  • Warehouse in Switzerland (Widnau SG)