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Porei Sleepy

Use Porei Products for Everything from Cleaning to Snoring Reduction
Some companies are well known for the variety of products that they produce, but Porei is particularly versatile when it comes to creating products for the market. The main similarity between the products that Porei develop and offer is that they are inherently useful in everyday life. Therefore many of the products offered are for small and medium sized tasks and purposes.

One of the main concerns for many people is the cleanliness of their surroundings. Therefore Porei have developed a cleaner, specifically designed to gently clean stainless steel. There can be many stainless steel items in a home and it is easy to get products that will clean these with a harsh and abrasive formula. The Porei Stainless Steel Cleaner gently cleans stainless steel, and can also be used to polish the stainless steel as well. The cleaner not only cleans the stainless steel items and removed fingerprints and other dirty marks, it also does not cause streaking after the cleaning. The stainless steel cleaner also leaves behind a protective layer that will make future cleaning easier and less time consuming.

Porei have also addressed the problem that many people have, that of snoring. They have developed the Sleepy. It is a septum stimulator that promotes normal breathing at night so that snoring is either reduced or eliminated. The clip is very small, unlike many other snoring reduction treatments, and clips into the nostrils placing pressure on the septum nerve. This pressure stimulates the septum nerve and promotes breathing through the nose by reducing the amount of nasal mucus that is produced along with keeping the nasal passage open so that breathing through the nose rather than the mouth is promoted. You will have to experiment slightly to find the optimum position for the Sleepy, but this should be easy to recognise within a few nights.


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