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Valkee2 Light Therapy Device - Black, 8 x 4 x 2 cm

Valkee2 bright light headset

Valkee2 Light Therapy Device - Black, 8 x 4 x 2 cm
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  • Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility
  • Valkee2 Light therapy is very efficient
  • 9d354c7b3453e05d091504560b879f84.jpg
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  • Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility
    Valkee2 Light therapy is very efficient
Light therapy on the ear canal with a small, lightweight device that gives you great flexibility Valkee2 Light therapy is very efficient
  • Description Valkee 2 Black

    • Valkee2 substitutes the mood-elevating effects of the sun, by channeling safe bright light directly to photosensitive regions of the brain through the ear canal.
  • Application Valkee 2 Black

    • Safe shopping: You can pay with invoice.
      8-12 minutes is enough to have the needed daily light exposure and the desired health effect. With the traditional bright light, treatment time is suggested at least 30 minutes and preferably 1 hour per day, with the need to sit in close proximity to the therapy lamp.
  • Package content Valkee 2 Black

    • Valkee2 bright light headset
      USB cable
      Instructions for use

  • Technical specification Valkee 2 Black

    • Maximum luminous effect: 3.5 lumens
      Maximum permissible duration of treatment: 12 min.

      • Color: black
      • This product is 'Made in Finland'.
    • Weight: 54 g
    • Size: 8 x 4 x 2 cm
    • Alternative names: walkee, walkee2, Vallkee 2
  • Customer feedback and frequently asked questions Valkee 2 Black

    • Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Frauenfeld, Kreuzlingen, Lausanne, Vevey
      Are there benefits of using Valkee2 in summer?

      Summer does not automatically mean necessary light exposure. If we spend time inside - commuting, working, home - we do not get the needed light exposure. Office or home lighting is in almost all cases too dim (~300 lux by intensity) whereas the needed exposure is achieved at bright sunlight outside (80,000 - 150,000 lux by intensity).

      When should I use Valkee2?

      Bright light has shown efficacy across multiple mood conditions from seasonal affective disorder to job stress and PMS. Valkee2 especially relieves symptoms like tiredness, anxiety and reduced cognitive performance typical for 'winter blues'. In clinical trials, 9 of 10 participants suffering from severe symptoms experienced a total relief.

      What time of the day is it best to use Valkee2?

      70% of users have stated that positive effects are best realized during the morning and 30% have stated that they achieve the best results in the evening. Start using Valkee2 in the morning preferably 30-60 minutes after waking up. If you do not realize positive results after 3-5 days, use Valkee2 1-2 hours prior to going to bed in the evening.

      What scientific evidence do you have?

      Valkee2 has shown that the human brain is photosensitive, that bright light via the ear canal stimulates the brain, and that such stimulation is effective to treat mood conditions like anxiety, tiredness and reduced cognitive performance in 'winter blues' - all new and revolutionary results. Research was started in the University of Oulu in 2007, and has included over 20 scientists and 350 study subjects, making it one of the largest programs in bright light.

      How was Valkee2 born?

      In 2005 biologist Juuso Nissilä introduced his childhood friend Antti Aunio to the concept of in-ear bright light therapy. Since his time as a student of biology, Juuso had been conducting research to test and prove that the human brain is photosensitive, in the same way that many animals brains have been proven to be. From this exploration Nissilä developed the concept of Valkee2 and with Aunio, quickly turned this brain science into the current Valkee2 product.
    Published on 27.11.
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