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Diet Therapy for Acne and Arterial Disease

Food is the source of energy that we need it for the activity of all our body cells. It also supplies the nutrients necessary for the evolution and the recovery of the cells, and gives our body the possibility to produce a variety of essential substances for our health. Nutrition is essential in the case of many diseases and we are willing to offer you some tips on how to solve health problems through diet. We will let you know about the importance of diet in two types of health conditions, acne and arterial diseases.

© Katie Little - Fotolia.com
© Katie Little - Fotolia.com
Most of the studies prove that diet does not affect acne. However, it is important to pay attention to what you eat every day to notice if some foods favor eruptions. For example there are women who say that chocolate eaten before menstruation triggers acne eruption. People suffering from acne usually have a low level of vitamin A in their blood. Make sure that your diet provides enough vitamin A or beta-carotene, which your body will turns into vitamin A. Do not take any supplements if the doctor has not recommended it to you. Vitamin A can be found in dairy products, fish, seafood, meat, integral cereals, vegetables, garlic, and seeds. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that you can get from yellow and orange vegetables and fruit and green-leafed vegetables.

Arterial Diseases

Arterial diseases affect dramatically many people's lives and they are the cause of many premature deceases. Changing your lifestyle and other natural remedies can prevent arteries damage and your health can improve significantly.

In this case you need a healthy diet. You should avoid eating too much and, especially, you must limit the amount of animal fats or margarine. A big meal, with plenty of fats can cause a sudden increase of these substances in your blood and it can affect arteries. Therefore you need to cut down on animal products. Some people are more exposed to arterial diseases if they consume too much salt because it can increase blood pressure.

Antioxidants like beta - carotene, mineral selenium and vitamins C and E can reduce bad cholesterol oxidation. Fat acids omega - 6 (found in vegetables, nuts, integral cereal, seeds, olive oil), fat acids omega - 3 (found in fat fish and pumpkin seeds), vegetal estrogens from products made of soy bean and soluble fibers from oats and apples stop the effects of harmful fats in your blood.

These nutrients contribute to a good condition of the arterial walls, and they consolidate the immune system. Fruit and vegetables contain some natural salycilates that prevent abnormal blood curdling. Omega 3 acids found in fish can have the same effect.

To continue with, a glass of wine from time to time is not a problem for most of the people, on the contrary, it can be beneficial for the arteries - on the one hand because it has dilatation effects, increasing thus the blood afflux to the cardiac muscle and other tissues and on the other hand because red wine (and other several alcoholic drinks as well) contain flavonoid like antioxidants (pigments from plants). Grapes juice is another source of flavonoids for those who must or prefer to avoid alcohol.

If you eat onion, leek, garlic, tomatoes, apples, oat flakes and fat fish there is less risk of developing heart disease because they have antioxidant effects and the property to fluidize blood. Half a raw onion a day can keep everybody away, including the bad cholesterol in your blood.

Vitamin C comes from citric fruit and many other fruit, broccoli, green pepper and other vegetables too and vegetal oils, eggs, fish, integral cereals, lentils, beans, nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E. Selenium can be found in dairy products, fish, meat, integral cereals, vegetables, green - leafed vegetables, garlic and mushrooms.

If you pay attention to diet therapy and go for it, you can maintain or recover your health and you can enjoy a longer, more active and happier life.
Published on 17.09. by
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