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Wellnessproducts > Proline

Pro Line – First Experiences.

Testimony from losing weight with Pro Line soy yoghurt-honey Shake.
'I had already tried Yokebe and I wanted now to test Pro Line, since the project to change my diet was lacking consistency :) But even that is possilbe: to loose weight when required. Why not? The manufacturers will be happy!

Financial aspects: A diet is cheaper than normal life. Since these are complete replacement meals, a meal will cost approximately CHF 2 – you can't normally live for as little as that.

Perseverance: This should be the biggest problem for most people, it's inconceivable to most people to not have something familiar to eat for a few days. But why not? It's all in the mind, and people must decide if they can do it or not.

What helps: I have a cunning balance that helps me input my weight values on my mobile phone, and so they can be evaluated via the internet browser. I input them every morning after getting weighed and automatically every day I get my weight curve. I measure each morning straight after getting up, so that daily fluctuations can be kept to a minimum and the best possible measurement can be made of the weight.

The dietary regimen of Pro Line consists of 3 phases:
3 days: all 3 meals per day are replaced by the mixture..
approx. 4 weeks: 2 meals per day are replaced by the mixture.
approx. 20 weeks: 1 meal per day (best would be: dinner).

General observations: I have first tasted the vanilla and wild berries variety, which to me did not taste of much. With 'nature' I was definitely lucky. The powder can easily be measured and processed, but it was quite fine and tended to form clumps. It helped to give it a vigorous shaking in the shaker. During the intensive diet (i.e. the first few days) I did not feel very fit. This is probably because on the one had the diet boosts the metabolism and on the other hand it gives the body too few calories, which means it has to use fat reserves and there is no energy left over. Thus, you have a super-fast slimming effect. Therefore I would recommend this diet only if you feel healthy and if you have time to rest as well. It is better to refrain from sporting activities for the first few days. However, on the first day of phase 2, after a good breakfast of plaited loaf I could easily cope with a 4-hour hike at a 500 metre in altitude, and I felt really good during that time.

Starting weight: 75-76 kg, slightly increasing trend.
For 3 days I have replaced all 3 meals with Pro Line according to the enclosed instructions. So I drank 3 x 50g in low fat milk (1.9%) and a little oil. It is important, in my experience, to imbibe, and to eat nothing else!
The most I have allowed myself is black, unsweetened coffee, as coffee is supposed to have a positive effect on the metabolism. If you are really hungry, you can drink home-made vegetable broth. It is important that it's home-made, as the ready made might have sugar or preservatives in it. There are recipes on the internet, so you can make it yourself. Once made, the broth keeps for approximately 6-12 months.

Hunger restricts the metabolism, so when you are hungry, drink water or vegetable broth.

So much for the theory, but the results speak for themselves.
In the first 3 days I lost 2.5 kg, which equals - since I began in the evening - exactly one box of Pro Line - really a great sucess.

I have worked up the weight curve a little to look pretty and included it here.

I then carried out Phase 2 for a few days (see weight chart) but now that I've reached my desired weight I will continue now with Phase 3 in combination with healthy eating to keep my weight down.'

- W. J., 9497 Triesenberg
Published on 17.09. by Thomas Toernell
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