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Promed Stockings

Find Comfort with Promed Stockings
There are many reasons why you may need some sort of cushioned protection on your leg or foot. This may be to protect your skin from pressure, or it may be protect an existing wound from the action of clothing over them. Therefore Promed have created a large range of protective padding, stockings and socks to provide not only the cushioning that is required, but also a method of holding the cushioning in place so that it provides the greatest level of benefit to the wearer.

The feet can be prone to a large range of ailments and problems, some of which can be alleviated with suitable cushioning and padding. If the toes, or the balls of the feet, require padding then a Footsie Sock is an ideal option. It is a stocking that sits over half of the foot that is fully cushioned and so provides general protection. It is possible to customise the padding so that the ball of the foot only is cushioned, or only the toes are protected.

Footsie Socks also come in full foot versions that can incorporate a range of options including toe padding as well as ball and heel cushioning. For those who wish to use the stocking as a garment rather than just as a method of holding the cushioning and padding in place there are knee high stocking options that can be used.

If pressure on the shoulders or knees is a problem, either during the day, or at night while sleeping, there are protectors available that will provide cushioning for these areas with cushioning in the required place and a stocking material that holds them comfortably in position.

Promed also offer toe correctors that can have hard or soft inserts, in order to correct the position of the toes that may have been altered due to wearing poorly fitting footwear.


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Schoes and socks

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  • Warehouse in Switzerland (Widnau SG)