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Promed TENS

The Promed company is one of the most recognized in the world. Originally known for creating a line of skin and nail care products, the company later expanded to include a line of orthopedic footwear designed using the best, cutting-edge technology available. In attempts to further address the needs of society, the folks at Promed have also added the TENS line of products for pain relief.

The TENS line has a wide variety of applications. Clinical studies have shown it to be helpful in the promotion of circulation, the promotion of lymph drainage, the easing of menstrual cramps, and in relief from conditions like myalgia and ischialgia. The TENS system has also been used to treat joint and muscle pain, back and neck pain, incontinence, coordination, phantom pain, and headaches. It's now a widely used tool in the muscle rehabilitation as well. TENS systems come with a variety of electrodes that are applied to the body for stimulation. Most TENS systems come with preprogrammed modules so that you can choose which is right for the condition you need to treat. If you are suffering from a medical condition and are having trouble finding the solution, talk
to your doctor about using the TENS system. It may just be the solution you've been waiting for.


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Spare parts
Pain reduction devices
TENS Electrodes

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  • Warehouse in Switzerland (Widnau SG)